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Calling for developers and testers


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Due to the lack of free available third party products in the store (plugins, fight classes, grinders, questers), I have decided to gather developers and testers under an umbrella project called "Project Wholesome".

The goal of Project Wholesome is to develop, test, and freely share wRobot products. All the code created under the project will be transparent, open-source, and then released in the store for free. I insist on the fact that not a single line of code released under Project Wholesome  will be sold for profit. We already have a few people working together on fight classes and on profile creation.

Developers : You want to help the community grow and participate in providing quality products or you want to learn how to create plugins, fight classes and profiles. You are willing to share your knowledge and your code to others. You are aware that you are not in for the money. You will take testers' feedback into account to polish your product. Once you finish a product, you will release it for free in the store, although you can call for donations on the product page. 

Testers : You will have access to unfinished/beta products from our team under the condition that you provide active feedback through bug reports in the discord channel. You are willing to treat developers with respect and patience, keeping in mind that they are providing a service for free.

Project Wholesome is all about trust, and keeping wRobot alive. We start small, setting realistic goals, but we intend to create a momentum and keep it growing as much as possible. If you are interested, feel free to join our channel.



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That's how you kill botting everyone) Give everyone everything for free, let them flood realms and make gms mad. Wait till everyone will do the same as Tauri. What a wonderfull undertaking.

Nothing bad can ever happen if you populize botting, and give it to everyone, with the lowest enter possible. Right? Oh wait, HB did that once and how are they doing now? Oh, and how is retail wow botting is doing in genereal? Everithing will be fine, lets just do the same.

Both, guys who are make a living selling paid stuff and guys who make a living with mass botting will be so glad to all of those outcomes. Why shouldn't they, right?

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9 hours ago, Zer0 said:

Due to the lack of free available third party products in the store (plugins, fight classes, grinders, questers), I have decided to gather developers and testers under an umbrella project called "Project Wholesome".

The goal of Project Wholesome is to develop, test, and freely share wRobot products. All the code created under the project will be transparent, open-source, and then released in the store for free. I insist on the fact that not a single line of code released under the Wholesome Project will be sold for profit. We already have a few people working together on fight classes and on profile creation.

Developers : You want to help the community grow and participate in providing quality products or you want to learn how to create plugins, fight classes and profiles. You are willing to share your knowledge and your code to others. You are aware that you are not in for the money. You will take testers' feedback into account to polish your product. Once you finish a product, you will release it for free in the store, although you can call for donations on the product page. 

Testers : You will have access to unfinished/beta products from our team under the condition that you provide active feedback through bug reports in the discord channel. You are willing to treat developers with respect and patience, keeping in mind that they are providing a service for free.

The Wholesome Project is all about trust, and keeping wRobot alive. We start small, setting realistic goals, but we intend to create a momentum and keep it growing as much as possible. If you are interested, feel free to join our channel.


It is bad idea

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16 hours ago, Findeh said:

That's how you kill botting everyone

No it isn't.. don't be silly. Premium products will also stay a thing. This is just so that people have something to use rather than having to fork out more money on products they can't be sure even work properly.

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Honor buddy gave everything for free (except the client) and it was by far without a doubt the best selling bot in botting history for any game ever period.

The only people it could hurt are people trying to profit off of the lack of functionality the client sells with.


I think the only reason this bot isnt bigger is directly due to the fact that new people come in, see the paywall, see some devs saying "code it yourself", all the things you have to download plus bans and complaints and just immediately walk out the door. 


Customers come in and pay for a skeleton and then the devs sell each organ. That's not appealing for the majority of new customers unfortunately. I'll test whatever 

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6 hours ago, youthemannowdog said:

Customers come in and pay for a skeleton and then the devs sell each organ.  That's not appealing for the majority of new customers unfortunately.

You basically described the whole videogame industry business model, which has proven working and profitable, yet implying in the same sentence that it doesn't work.

So, does it work or not? chose one.

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You also had to pay if you want a good rotation thats why they implemented the buddy store. The quest profiles where made by a guy who got paid for it. I would not call it directly "free". 

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What do you mean by " Growing community" Wrobot has no alternatives, and it's here for few years already, nothing to advertise, everyone who wanted to bot is already here. With easy free stuff you will just make botting harder cause of gm awarness. More bots - less bots ( cause of more bans from gms ). Botting was that easy with hb in 2013, i had to maintance 120 accounts on EU to get some profit. Thanks to free stuff from azyul. Findeh is right, Just check video on youtube with HB bots on Battleground, it has 529 thousand views, ofcourse gms cant ignore that.


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thats a 2015 Video of an addon (WoD) that was released end of 2014 i therefore say you compare bananas with apples.

Honorbuddy was so hugely used and therefore got so much attention, bcs. it was used on a live server from Blizzard.

Now this here (wRobot) is used on several privat servers nowadays, with a much smaller userbase, plus they are all not connected with each other.

And the argument of destroying the bot because of massive users will begin to use it is so much nonsense, its a privat server bot now omg! All Servers wont be flooded by wrobot users now...

That there is a "movement" created that intends to put something free out there, so people can use it out of the box, just shows there is the need in the community and we are all part of that community.

People don't want to spend 100 euros to have all plugins, good fight classes, and profiles for all the addons and then the bot is kinda feature complete, without behaving like a dumb nut.

Sure that is against the interest of: Mass bot users making money with level services and grinding and gold sellers and the money makers creating paid content, so how can anyone expect to get positive feedback here if these will commend xD All these will suffer except the paid content creators, they will "just" have to improve their stuff, which again is only good for the users.

I support this move: thumbs up for "Project Wholesome"!


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No, he is not compare bananas with apples. He is comparing rare using of bot (how it should be) with the case when everyone using it (how you guys want it to be, it seems).
And the fact that this code will be used for private realms is actually counterargument for you. There are less players, it will be much easyer to flood all possible realms, because there are less realms total.

Also, I wonder, let's say, some developer releases some code for sale. Let's say it's something simple, like the right coordinates siquence, the only one that is right (just for the sake of example). He have spend couple mounth of testing to get those coordinates right and to solve some problem with it, that's why he is selling it. What will prevent you guys to "to borrow" his solution (because it's the only right one) without spending 3-4 mounth for testing and make it a part of a free project? And then there will be like 700 people running the same coordinates.

Also no one states that this project should be banned or something, you can do whatever you want.

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On 8/12/2019 at 4:50 PM, cedced30 said:

You basically described the whole videogame industry business model, which has proven working and profitable, yet implying in the same sentence that it doesn't work.

So, does it work or not? chose one.

Marginally profitable for very low effort. Yeah if that's how you want to describe your career then you must shoot pretty low.

What is this? A phone app?

Also I did not describe the "whole video game industry" - that's just EA. 
Normal reputable video game companies release full games and charge for content or give content for free far post launch.

And look EA was rated the worst company in America once or twice fighting the King Of Bad Comcast. They're constantly losing stock value and getting downvoted to -40,000 minimum in every reddit thread they comment to. Clearly from a customer standpoint the business model is hated and constantly argued against by all major journalists and veteran advocates. Infact soon doing what EA does (making a game so featureless that they resort to promoting child gambling to get shitty skins and garbage content) will be illegal across EU. 

In short your reply was a HELL of a reach that really just proved how little anyone cares here about making this turd wrapped in tin foil any better.

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2 hours ago, youthemannowdog said:

Make a Patreon or Paypal account for donations or something.

I absolutely encourage the project members to set up their own individual donation system. Now if you're referring to a shared account for the entire project, I don't think I'll do that for several reasons. First, we're just a few for now, and it doesn't make much sense. But for the sake of argument, let's say we do. How do you redistribute the money fairly? What do you invest in so everyone is happy? What happens when someone leaves? I'm not too keen on involving money in the process. I know too well what happens in this type of situation and I'd rather avoid the headache.

That's why I make it clear from the beginning that anyone joining us won't be in for the money. Also, if we're being realistic, 99% of users will just use our product without leaving any feedback, or even knowing our existence, let alone donate money.

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