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tonycali got a reaction from Bambo in Sick of buying garbage profiles
I kinda started the Wrobot Fight class / Grinder profile store here when i asked Jisabi to create me mage / warlock fight class and started a demand for them years ago. You can try wrobot as is but if u don't have time or don't want to learn to code a quick buy was worth it especially before jerk job GM's on servers started really regulating and cracking down on bot detection / areas of known botters favorite hot spots. Best bet is to make your own now or pay bambo to customize your library of self made grinder locations to put it all into a 1-60 run. HMP was kinda a must for a long time though unless u want to have to babysit the bot.
tonycali reacted to CocoChanel in Sick of buying garbage profiles
Buying cocaine and hookers is worth.
tonycali reacted to maukor in Sick of buying garbage profiles
It's really faster to make your own profile for your needs, instead of waiting developers to do something for you, moreover you probably not gonna leveling all wow classes just for fun, i'm leveling mostly paladins/druids/shamans/rogues/warrios, and made different profiles for each class, had no problems with warriors on atlantiss, 4 days til lvl 40 without any help fully afk, doubt any of paid profiles here can do the same.
@Findeh Actually never seen that stupid bot behaviours ingame, only in 2016 maybe.
The main reason why there are no Good paid profiles on the forum, cause only good real botters understand what they can meet midleveling, so even if they do good quester, they 99% not gonna share it, or even sell, cause as said Findeh, 2.5 buyers will make only competition and low profit, worth only bot with it for yourself.
I'm pretty satisfied with not ideal wrobot, cause with easy bot there gonna be more noobs and price for gold or accs will be much less.
P.S , with hb documentation i made 1-90 fully afk quest leveling in RAF mode, (x3 exp award for quests/mobs) With wrobot i dont even know where to google some things.
tonycali reacted to TheSmokie in Sick of buying garbage profiles
I don’t know if it counts but i am releasing a lot of leveling quester / random grinders that are very good also (no eta for tbc or vanilla) but I am gonna release a lot of free content for fun.
tonycali reacted to Zer0 in Sick of buying garbage profiles
I disagree. Nothing indicates that the bot tried to engage combat with the elemental. It just went straight for the bird. The elemental is ignored either because it's blacklisted or not in the profile.
This is most likely the profile's fault and it's incredibly common.
tonycali reacted to TheSmokie in Sick of buying garbage profiles
Please do, but wait til tomorrow night so I can watch it drunk for the laugh.
tonycali reacted to Matenia in LF Vanilla BG Bot
You made 3 threads without even looking into it at all. I already sell a BG product. You're responsible for your own fightclasses though.
tonycali got a reaction from TheSmokie in Full Refund
I'm sure if he won he'd be bragging. He lost for sure.
tonycali reacted to TheSmokie in Full Refund
Not trying to start anything but I kinda wanna see if this guy got a refund. If not I would like to at least see him bitch about it.
tonycali reacted to mspam1 in Full Refund
yo dawg since you're not using your license can I have it? ?
tonycali got a reaction from Bambo in wRobot Survey + Profile Giveaway!
doneski, P.S. i bought your
1x Gold Making Plugin 1x Horde Vanilla/TBC 1 to 60 Quester 1x Alliance Wotlk Grinder if i do win =p only one left is horde wotlk grinder
tonycali got a reaction from TheSmokie in wRobot Survey + Profile Giveaway!
doneski, P.S. i bought your
1x Gold Making Plugin 1x Horde Vanilla/TBC 1 to 60 Quester 1x Alliance Wotlk Grinder if i do win =p only one left is horde wotlk grinder
tonycali reacted to sith500 in Full Refund
Man, no one will give you back the money. Explain everything to your mother and you will not be punished.
tonycali reacted to Findeh in Anyone else get a "warning" without getting banned?
Yes, it happens sometimes. Buged relam, buged gms, buged bans.
tonycali reacted to FNV316 in toons not resurrect
Can confirm that this still happens from time to time, even after ->
tonycali reacted to Bambo in Warmane Icecrown Bot Detection
It was said multiple times. If you use ONLY and I mean ONLY wrotation and then you get banned. Then we can start speaking about a detected bot. Anything else is not detection most likely.
tonycali reacted to BetterSister in Warmane Lordaeron Bans
if wrobot was AUTOMATICALLY detected you would get banned even if you had wrobot on background doing nothing
tonycali reacted to Skad in Warmane Lordaeron Bans
Ye, only you out of 200 people can bot every day without a ban. Shut the fuck up and dont spread false shit.
tonycali reacted to Puffmutti in why do you pref wrobot
it can interact with targets what are you talking about?
"no real functionallity"
dude you never used the bot in your life as it looks like. im using it for all the stuff where wrobot fails ?
i have a big compilation of probably all the work that was made back then and trust me there is a shit ton that came out before cata.
well done talking here because all i face are fanboys.
tonycali reacted to eeny in Suggestion: Add option to set vendor for profile
this request has been brushed on time and time again... i still want it.
I know and agree the quest profile path will solve the issue. However for 90% of people, they are only ever going to make a grind / gather profile as quests are too difficult...
The ability to hard code vendors into gatherer / grinder profiles with a simple checkbox is well overdue,
tonycali got a reaction from burnimation in Afk Loop spam
just turn off till droidz takes look prolly sleep atm since like 3 am in eu.
tonycali got a reaction from BetterSister in "I just reported you"
This the key to botting is riding it till the wheels fall off, the more the merrier, best case scenrio it reaches into the early 50's and u just level rest by hand and play legit rest of the time if not RIP that account cause its already on borrowed time.