Fight Classes - TBC
51 files
[PAID][TBC] Shadowpriest 1-70
By Matenia
Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. This only works for TBC. Other expansions get a separate product.
For questions and bugreports, please visit my Discord channel. The attached file is a low-level demo version.
If you use this fightclass to level, I recommend getting a Wand asap.
Priest’s are a hard class to bot, but perhaps your love for the class is overwhelming and you just can’t help yourself. I’m here to help ease your frustration and to optimise the class for mana efficiency and reduced downtime.
After coding for several weeks, I’m proud to present you with a priest fight class that contains the following:
Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level
- 3 different fighting rotations for below 20, below 40 and above 40.
Situational Spell Usage
- Uses all your spells, including Silence, Fear and Devouring Plague in appropriate situations.
Highly Mana Efficient
- Tries to use as little mana as possible while leveling. The rotation was built with increased uptime in mind. Therefore it Wands whenever’s most beneficial.
- Uses different heals at different percentages
- Smart in PvP, if used at level 70, including silences, dispels, mass dispel, deathing polymorph, etc.
Automatic Skill Detection
- Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot
This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected.
If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
PURCHASE NOW (Rocketr) - 6.50€
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses
- 2.4.3
- shadowpriest
- (and 2 more)
[PAID] Retribution Paladin 1-70
By Matenia
Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later.
The attached file is a low-level demo version.
For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord.
Ret Palas are a hard class to bot, but perhaps your love for the class is overwhelming and you just can’t help yourself. I’m here to help ease your frustration and to optimise the class for mana efficiency and reduced downtime.
Dynamic Rotation Based Upon Level
Uses different seals according to your level, as well as new spells whenever you learn them Allows you to choose between using Blessing of Might or Wisdom Situational Spell Usage
Uses all your spells, including Repentance and Hammer of Justice against casters or if you drop low, Divine Protection (and later Divine Shield), Lay on Hands and more Highly Mana Efficient
Uses Rank 1 Seal of Command if you go low on mana and stops judging Allows Blessing of Wisdom to deal with mana issues Automatic Skill Detection
Automatically detects if you learn new spells while leveling, no need to restart the bot This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected.
If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
Purchase NOW - 6.50€ (Rocketr)
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses
[FREE][Farming] Level 70 Frostmage
By Matenia
Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Do NOT use this in arenas. This is not PQR.
The attached file is a teaser at my upcoming Frostmage PvP fightclass.
I wasn't satisfied with the available Mage fightclasses for farming anymore. They died a lot, didn't use the correct gems, didn't use Evocation or outright stopped, couldn't shatter and often made the incorrect food, too.
I have used this Fightclass to farm around 3k gold and am satisfied enough with it, that I can release it to the public now. This fightclass does NOT kite.
Dynamic Rotation Based on Players Around You
Can polymorph NPCs attacking you that aren't your target Does a lot of damage due to being able to shatter (frostbolt+icelance at the same time) Makes Mana Gems and Food/Water (only 2 highest ranks at level 70) Situational Spell Usage
Uses all your spells like Counterspell, Frostnova, Cold Snap, Cone of Cold and Scorch Humanized
Uses spell rotation that are unlikely to make anybody recognize you as a bot
This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected.
If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
Check out my other Fightclasses
[PAID][PvP] Restoration Shaman
By Matenia
Disclaimer: This fightclass only works with the English client. It is possible, that I will add support for more later. Do NOT use this in arenas. This is not PQR.
The attached file is the free version.
For questions and bugreports, please reach out to me on Discord.
Resto Shamans are a hard class to look human as while botting, and still very versatile too. There are a lot of things you can do to look human that even an average player wouldn't do.
I have used this Fightclass to farm around 200k honor and several different BG marks without ever being reported.
Dynamic Rotation Based on Players Around You
Interrupts (Rank 1) and uses Grounding Totem against casting enemies around you Attacks enemies when nobody in range requires healing Uses Bloodlust/Heroism in big fights Switches between Earth Shield and Water Shield as necessary Smart Totems Real cast detection (not relying on wRobot's API entirely Situational Spell Usage
Uses all your spells, including Nature's Swiftness, Mana Tide Totem, Chain Heal etc Humanized
Uses spell rotation that are unlikely to make anybody recognize you as a bot
This profile uses frame lock. This means it freezes your game for a short amount of time to make sure no spells are skipped and the correct spell in the rotation is always selected.
If you have problems with your FPS, deactivate frame lock in the profile settings.
PURCHASE NOW - 6.50€ (Rocketr)
I, the owner and creator of this file, am in no way associated with the wRobot company. By purchasing this file, you agree to the contract of the purchasing website and that alone.
Check out my other Fightclasses
[DEMO] [PVE] Beastmaster - Hunter - TBC(2.4.3) by Ordush
By Ordush
This is my demo version of my upcoming paid version of a hunter profile.
It's simple and does the trick. You can do raids and PVE with this and have a nice experiance.
Optimized rotation for max DPS
Hunter Combat Abilities <- None of them will attack if target is shielded
- Steady Shot <- set timer to your attack speed + 15 so if your ranged attack speed is 2.14 then you set it to 2155
- Arcane shot <- Will only use if Aspect of the Hawk is active
- Multi-shot <- Will only use if 3 or more targets
- Hunter's Mark <- Will only cast on targets that is sensible (Hostile targets etc.)
- Rapid Fire <- Will only use on bosses
- Misdirection <- Can be changed in settings to cast on either pet or focus (Will only cast if target has more than 30% hp)
Pet Combat Abilities <- None of them will attack if target is shielded
- Bestial Wrath <- Will only use if you have pet, and will only use on bosses
- Kill Command <- Will only use if you have pet
Hunter Misc Abilities
- Feign Death <- Smart | Will only use this if pet is close to target and it will also wait some time for your pet to get aggro.
Pet Misc Abilities
- Pet Auto Attack <- Pet will auto attack your target (will not spam)
- Call pet
- Revive Pet
- Mend pet
Paid Verision
- fightclass
- tbc
- (and 2 more)
TBC paladin tank
By lichbeard
test it and tell me what about it please"D
play as tank in dungeons and raid cds manual Avenger's Shield manual
beast hunter raid profile
By lichbeard
do rotation
mend pet
options added
first place in damage
rise pet if died
change the aspect of the hawk and viper to balance the mana
[FREE] Avvi's Shadow Priest Leveling 1-70
By Avvi
This is a Burning Crusade version of the fight class created by @Dreamful
I have included some fixes as well as some feature enhancements.
Features are as below
Cast Shadowform Cast Inner Fire Cast Vampiric Embrace Cast Power Word: Fortitude Cast Divine Spirit Cast Power Word: Shield Cast if buff remaining time is less than 1 second. Cast Flash Heal if you are lower than 50 % Health If above level 23 Cast Lesser Heal if you are lower than 50 % Health If lower than level 23 Cast Vampiric Touch Recast if debuff remaining time is less than 1 second. Cast Devouring Plague and keeps it up on target Cast Shadow Word: Pain and keeps it up on target Cast Mind Blast If player has spell Vampiric Touch, then Mind Blast only is casted when target has Vampiric Touch debuff. If player does not have Vampiric Touch spell, then Mind Blast on Cooldown Cast Mind Flay if all dots ticking on target Cast Mind Sear if more than 2 Units near my Target in 10 yards range Cast Shadowfiend Cast Smite (Only use if you are lower than level 23) Wand/Shoot when below 5% Mana. (This value can be changed easily)
If you have any questions or concerns, please post in comments.
- shadow priest
- shadow
- (and 5 more)
warrior [Free] Treb's Warrior 1-70 Fightclass (TBC)
By Treb
My first attempt at making a good fight class.
Currently it only supports Battle Stance, I might make it take advantage of the other stances at a later point.
It should work fine as a leveling fight class from level 1-70.
The only thing you need to keep in mind is that you'll have to restart the bot every time you learn a new spell.
Fury Rotation (Battle Stance) AOE Support (Uses Sweeping Strike with Cleave) Trinket Support Cooldown Management (Uses Retaliation on 3 or more targets) Config (For almost everything)
I'd love feedback and suggestions for the fight class and if you run into any bugs report them to me.
Feral druid C# cat levelling FC
By eeny
Just a Cat Feral druid fight class i use.
Normal profile is a 1-50 lvling claw / rake / rip / heal.
The C# profile is a high lvl feral druid (uses mangle / Omen / faerie fire)
Both should keep MoTW and Thorns up at all times. Will break Cat form to cast regrowth when at 40% and will cast rejuvenation if out of combat, moving, and not at 100% health. Will attempt Maim if target is casting.
Not fully fleshed out yet. will add skills as my druid progresses
V1- Druid skills up to lvl 24.
V2- added higher level skill support (XML)
V3 added C# fightclass for lvl 60+ druids
[FREE][PvP/BG] Resto Shaman
By Matenia
This is a sneak peek at my upcoming, paid PvP fightclasses, which will be superior to this one.
This fightclass uses frame lock. If you end up with low FPS, it is likely the server responding slowly at high load. Disable frame lock in the settings.
If you disable player attack, it will blacklist players after using a random emote.
Currently does the following (without giving too much insight to make it detectable):
- uses totems in a smart way
- chain heal when appropriate
- big heal if neccesary (only instant)
- bloodlust when it makes sense
- shocks/grounds/tremors casts around you if necessary
- purges some useful buffa
- DPS if no heal required (for anyone in range)
Check out my other Fightclasses:
Ret Pala leveling
By klaus1233
Hey - this is a Pala Ret lvling FightClass i used to lvl my char.
For the eralier lvls you have to replace the "Seal of Command" with the "Seal of RIghtesoussnes" (or how it is written : D).
Just look up the configuration for the seal first on the "Seal of Command" to get it right.
Cheers and have fun
Retri Paladin 2.4.3 -.xml
Feral druid 1-70
By Vippen
Hey guys this is a fightclass Ive created for druids to level 1-70 on tbc servers, it should work for wotlk and vanilla as well but its untested.
It uses cat form, bear form and "normal form"
Standard is cat form and it uses all the respective abilities
With 3 or more attackers it will enter bear form
In normal form it will heal it self if low health and buff up.
Until you learn cat form the profile will use wrath and moonfire to kill mobs
Donate link for more projects and updates:
Enh shaman
By eeny
Enhancement shaman profile
Got me 1-58.. then i'll go ele.
Rockbiter till 31, then WF weapon. Abilities scaled down as mana gets lower. I added healing wave as food at 70% and just let the bot melee stuff to death.
Healing wave at 40%... shamanistic rage when its available. Searing totem for each mob, other totejms only drop if 2+ mobs around
If gear is up to the task its a no downtime profile.
Searing totem at mob health 90%+
Stoneskin + Mana stream when 2+ mob's
Flameshock when not active + >60% mana
Healing wave when < 40% health
Weapon Buff: Rockbiter till 31... WF after that
stormstrike when > 50% mana + know the spell. earthshock when SS is active + has focused buff
Shamanistic rage when move health > 90% (to get as much mana back as possible.
feedback - recommendations let me know and il add them
Druid Feral bear 10-20
By eeny
Just a Bear Feral druid fight class i used to get 10-20.
Keeps MoTW and Thorns up at all times. Will break bear to cast regrowth when at 30% and will cast rejuvenation if out of combat, moving, and not at 100% health.
Also uses Bash when available.
Not fully fleshed out- however enough to get you to 20 where you get cat form.
2.4.3 [Terror] Protection Warrior below 40 TBC
By Terror
Hello all,
i will supmit some of my fight profiles, i currently used in tbc.
This is my first one, for prot warriors TBC.
There a 3 Profiles - for below 40; 40+ and 50+ using abilitys from the prot talent tree.
This Fightprofile will do:
-Auto interrup target spell cast with shild bash (just before finishing casts)
-taunt your target mob not attacking you
- use defensive abilities on certain circumstances
-use thunderclap on 2 or more targets
-basic rotation for damage
Feel free to post in the comments.
[Terror]Leveling Prot TBC 40+.xml
[Terror]Leveling Prot TBC 50+.xml
[Terror]Leveling Prot TBC below 40.xml
Hunter leveling fight class for TBC 2.4.3
By lelpetrel
So I used this fight class for a while, improved it while leveling.
Not perfect but it got the job done for me.
Download this awesome thing by Droidz:
After this ^ start up bot, go to the tab called "Plugins" and turn "Move during combat" by Droidz, on.
Better to put selling off so he won't sell your pets food or your food, mana, potions and whatever cause he did that to me once,
Go into general settings then advanced settings and then in my macro's make a macro that presses any key then in game make a macro with:
/cast Feed Pet
And put it on the same button as you chose in wrobot (obviously)
Then play around with the time between he feeds the pet
Very important else it will not feed your pet
Also recommended to make it not mount since when you feed pet and mount your pet goes away,
Untill you unmount and I think they don't feed then and they might run away if unhappy :o
I put close bot if teleported off you can leave it on for safety but I turned it off cause I died once and the bot thought I got teleported while he just clicked release..
Max units, to be safe 2 if they are green/end yellow then you can put on 3, search radius 300
Things implemented:
Auto shot (yes ofcourse haha)
Mend pet
Hunter's Mark
Arcane Shot
Intimidation (pet stun & taunt from beast mastery talents)
Serpent Sting
Revive Pet
And major healing pots if low health, (can change the item id in the fight class editor,
its the one with the macro in it just change the number in there to the item you will use you can find it if you type in the item in this database,
then copy the number in the link Here is the database:
Please leave a review if you liked it :)
So yeah that's my hunter profile since I couldn't find one that worked for me I just made one myself, enjoy :)
Donation link:
Warlock 1-26
By arkhan
Here is a FC for Warlock.
As i've seen a lot of people who wanted a FC for warlock I decide to put it here.
do :
-drain life if Health% < 50
-drain soul if targetHealth% < 25 && soulstone < 2
-cast Sahdow Bolt if targetHealt% > 10
-Create Healthstone (rank 2)
-use Healthstone (rank 2) if Health% < 30
-Fear : once per target && TargetDistance < 9
-Send Pet attack
-Invoke VoidWalker
Dual Wield Fury Warrior TBC
By stigger
Little fury warrior action for tbc. it'll stay in battle stance but it does everything I want really. ok to farm in. Pretty basic. let me know what you guys think. I know there's a lot more that "could" be done and skills that could be used, but this was actually my first fight class i made (with no code or anything) so yeah.
here's talent tree @60, put in points where you want after that (probably down arms with imp overpower etc: Warrior talents
- fury warrior
- tbc
- (and 2 more)
[TBC] Basic Fire Mage
By What123
Attacks with Scorch until target has 5 stacks of "Fire Vulnerability" then casts Fireball until debuff ends.
-Casts Arcane Intellect/Frost Armor (Out of combat)
-Casts Combustion/Icy Veins During combat (usually casts right after entering combat)
-Uses Evocation when MP is at 10%
This will be my first Fight Class of many. My arm is currently broken so it will take longer than normal per release.
TBC Frostmage
By Powlow
First Try on a FightClass.
Used this for 60-63 on Hellfire Peninsula.
Buffs Arcane Intellect +Mage Armor
Frostbolt Spam
Ice Barrier
Icy Veins/Water Elemental
uses Conjure Food/Water if below 4 items
Tell me if you have some Ideas to improve this Profile.
60 Druid - Balance Beta
By Batman
1-60 Druid
Combat profile setup:
Will rebuff before pulling Gift of the Wild always up Thorns always up Innervate if mana less than 35% (only uses in combat) Barkskin always up and on 60,000 (5 min) timer Healing routines:
Will go out of Moonkin form to heal Rejuvenation if health less than 80% Regrowth on low health (replaces having to eat too) Combat routines:
Force of Nature always up and on 18,000 (3 min) timer Moonkin Starfire only cast once per target Insect Swarm always up Moonfire always up Wrath until target is 18% Moonfire to death if target is 18% or less Other:
Travel form to travel faster Use War stomp if not in feral form (Tauren special)510 downloads
60 Priest - Shadow Beta
By Batman
1-60 Priest - Shadow Beta
Combat profile setup:
Inner Fire always up Fortitude always up Power Word Shield, up in battle and pulling Shadowform always up Prayer of Shadow Protection (20 minute buff) * Power Infusion, uses if 2 or more enemies Healing routines:
Flash Heal if really low on health * Renew when lost a little of your health * Heal if lost some health (Lesser Heal before this.) Combat routines:
Vampiric Touch to open Mind Blast From time to time Shadow Word: Pain always up Mind Flay when shield if up or nothing to do (mana friendly) Shadow Word: Death 12% or smaller * Vampiric Embrace on pulling * Integrate racial skills like Devouring Plague * mana burn if low on mana, will only cast once per enemy Other:
* Use of Mana Pot if low on mana * Use of Health Pot if really low on health * Use of useful scrolls * Stand still if no more drinks * Use wands if out of mana (auto attack before this) Tips & Tricks + Request(s):
Bring 60+ drink Have 20+ Sacred Candle Follow this thread for updates Leave review ---
* = not yet done
- shadow priest
- priest
- (and 3 more)
Balance Druid - Low level
By arbitrary
An attempt at a balance druid profile for levelling through the 20s. It's fairly effective at killing mobs, can usually survive a double-pull with self-healing, but it's a real water hog, probably spends about 80% of the time drinking... bring plenty of water...
2.4.3 Retri Paladin [LvL]
By MeRox
Just an simple Ret paladin FC which i use at leveling.
So far does the job pretty nicely, updating while leveling.